
  • You get what you need

    Dear loves, The movie The Big Chill opens with the song You Can’t Always Get What You Want by the Rolling Stones, which overlays scenes of a funeral.  This has long been my funeral song (and one of my favorite movies). The chorus of the song goes like this.  You can’t always get what you…

  • Etched

    Dear loves,  I have held onto a letter from Brent’s mother for over 30 years. I’ve lost countless random things in that time – umbrellas, sunglasses, jackets – but I have never misplaced this letter.  Brent was a really good friend of mine during a particularly dark time in my life (otherwise known as high…

  • In the line of service

    Dear loves,  I attended a memorial service for 59 emergency medical service providers this weekend, all of whom died in the line of service. I noticed through their individual tributes that they were unified not just by their profession, but more so, their priorities: they loved their families, they were deeply connected to their communities,…